When I bought my first DVD player I couldn't understand why it had a flimsy 2 prong removable power cord.
I asked around and the only solution was to have a modification done. This would have voided my warranty and would not be worth it, considering the rate at which I have changed DVD players. I also use my DVD player for analogue CD playback, so any improvent in sound quality is very important to me. I sent an email to Jim Wang of Harmonic Technology for advice on a different matter, and he mentioned that I might want to try his new 2 pin to IEC adapter. I ordered it, and at sixty dollars it solved my power cord dilemma. It uses the same single crystal materials as their other products and allows you to use any after market power cord you like. I tried the adapter with 3 different power cords: first, a Synergistic Research Master Coupler, then a Transparent Audio PC, then the Harmonic Tech Pro AC-11. There were significant improvements with all three cables, but the H. Tech cable worked best in my system. The Transparent was second, even though it cost 10 times as much! I gained a more detailed and transparent sound, more clearly defined pitch in the bass, and the musicians seemed to be two feet taller in my previously underwhelming soundstage. And lately, I seem to be enjoying watching movies without noticing any flaws. The color is a bit more natural. I thought to pass this on to the Audiogon members, as it could go a long way to improving their DVD experience. Just for the record, I am not associated with Harmonic Technology, only a satisfied customer. Jim sent me this list of companies that carry the adapter:
The Cable Company
Ambrosia Audio Video
Evolution Audio and Video
Digital Domain
Home Theater By Design
Signature Audio Ltd.
Advanced Home Theater Systems
The Sound Exchange
Audio Artisan
Hope this is helpful. Good listening and viewing to all, and to all a good day!
I think what monsterbill is saying is that the cord would be attached to a female two-pin plug, which would then be plugged into the DVD player, thus avoiding any modifications to the player by making the modification to the powercord. You could still "evolve."

Monsterbill, it sounds like a good idea, if you can locate high-quality two-pin plugs.
Do these adapters fit all players?? I have a Pioneer DV-05, and the small cord plugs into a shaped jack in back...similar to a boombox jack.
Phild, I am 99.99% sure it will fit your DV-05. I had the DV-05 before upgrading to the DV-37 to gain progressive scan. Monsterbill, can you clarify a bit? There are a some very skilled DIY guys at AG (Redkiwi comes to mind), who have a lot more experience with this than I do. Perhaps they'll join in and help us out.
It would be even better if some companies offered a choice of a power cord already hard wired to a 2 pin plug, but I haven't noticed any harmful effects of chaining the adapter to the power cord yet.
Yep, jbirzin got it. I'm looking for a two-pin plug attach to the end of one of my Crump DIY cords. Couldn't cost more than a couple bucks, if I could get my hands on one. Any advice on how to get one? Mr. Redkiwi?
To the best of my knowledge, the female two pin end to attach at the DVD player is not available as a stand alone/purchase alone product. I became aware of this product by posting a query at Audioasylum and one of the members posted to let me know about it as I didn't want to perform major surgery on my DVD player. Bob Crump himself also posted a response suggesting that one could retain the two pin connection and a few inches of the stock cord and attach a female iec from Allied Electronics, essentially doing the same thing, but I figured I'd spring for the HT adapter-then if I ever sell the DVD player to upgrade, I've got the original cord to go with it. Plus a lot less work!