I want to start into high end analog but I just don't get it.

I am confused with all this "belt drive/direct drive", MC for this or that, some guys fighting for of you guys is a 'SELF PROCLAIMED EVANGELIST' about the DJ turntable!

What is reality anyway? Do I have to get a DJ turntable and modify it? If I buy a Rega I'd have to modify it, too...right? There's a counter weight, new wires, rings for VTA, you name it.

What about 'turntables for classical' or 'turntables for rock and roll'? What is this? What about the Star Trek turntable?

Is there a way to just buy something and enjoy?

Any suggestions in a couple of price ranges (new--I don't want to hear how you found in a garage sale this $3000 turntable for $150), say in the $300-600 and $800-1500 ranges?

Thanks and please bear with me.

Good Bishop, I have to disagree with you.
Good beer and rare goes without saying. But chocolate???

Sincerely, I remain
hey, jimbo, i use a 3bx, too! also in the tape loop, so it's not in the signal path when not in use. but, i find it more useful for increasing dynamic range, than for suppressing vinyl surface noise. in fact, it seems to get as much, if not more, use for cd's than vinyl, cuz they're so compressed! ;~) it also works great on compressed fm, but, fortunately, the stations i listen to, are relatively compression-free. that burwen tne sounds intriguing, but i dunno if it's really worth it, for the so-small number of vinyl discs where i feel it would be useful> :>)

doug s.

Getting back to Ken's confusion. I am in the process of going through this. Thought about the DJ table. Seems there is only one guy who thinks it is a good idea. Looked at the Basis. Decided it was too much money for starting out. Looked at Music Hall. Too cheap looking. Won an auction for a Thorens TD125MK2 on ebay for 200. Then a NIB Rega 25 came up for sale here for 900 and I bought it . Now I have two tables. Ken, if you are confused now, try cartridge selection. The Thorens comes with a cartridge, but I don't have it yet. I am shopping for a cartridge for the Rega. Thinking about getting a glider from juki when I figure out which output to go with.(see my thread) This is going to be fun.
js - go w/the lowest possible output your fono-stage can support - this will generally give the best sound, but there *are* nice-sounding hi-output cartridges... how's *that* for advice? ;~)

enjoy, doug s.

Jsbail- you wont go wrong with the rega table/arm
the grado woodies are a great match with these tables!
that thorens is a nice table too! great shopping spree dude!!