I want to start into high end analog but I just don't get it.

I am confused with all this "belt drive/direct drive", MC for this or that, some guys fighting for of you guys is a 'SELF PROCLAIMED EVANGELIST' about the DJ turntable!

What is reality anyway? Do I have to get a DJ turntable and modify it? If I buy a Rega I'd have to modify it, too...right? There's a counter weight, new wires, rings for VTA, you name it.

What about 'turntables for classical' or 'turntables for rock and roll'? What is this? What about the Star Trek turntable?

Is there a way to just buy something and enjoy?

Any suggestions in a couple of price ranges (new--I don't want to hear how you found in a garage sale this $3000 turntable for $150), say in the $300-600 and $800-1500 ranges?

Thanks and please bear with me.

Talk about confusion! Now we learn that cds are compressed! Oh yes, it's getting clearer now: cds have less dynamic range than lps; lps have better s/n ratio than cds; polycarbonate will disintegrate in five years, while vinyl is so stable it only gets mangled by a diamond stylus applying tons of pressure per sq. in. every time it's played; analog is more natural (the way God intended music to be reproduced), while digital is only numbers that can't possibly correlate with music, which is a spiritual experience; digital is harsh, while analog/vinyl is liquid and open and sweet and has that nice steady reassuring background noise plus all those attractive impulse noises to reassure you that the record is actually spinning, while cds have a pitch black, dark, gloomy, unnatural background; cds are sneaky little monstrosities that hide inside a skimpy little drawer doing their nasty Nyquist approved math stuff, while vinyl is played in clear sight and touch and feel of the happy user; all the nastiness of digital is right there in your face, all that missing information, the serious lack of detail, while a top cartridge (hello Micro Benz), a top tonearm (fill in your choice around $3000. or $4000.) and a great turntable (sky's the limit, but make sure the platter is as heavy as a manhole cover and the motor is twelve feet away with one Aramid fibre only connecting it to the platter) hanging from the ceiling on stainless steel cables or put on a granite/steel/concrete reinforced structure weighing at least three metric tons and the surface noise divorces itself from the music to live in another sonic plane which is invisible to the listener; and the list goes on. Give me a break, the only thing I truly miss about lps is the cover art and liner notes large enough for my aging eyes to read. Nostalgia sure ain't what it used to be, but you know whatever gets you through the night!
Pbb, Sedond did not say CDs are compressed. He said that in some poorly produced CDs the music has ben compressed. I notice this unfortunate phenomenom on a lot of my salsa CDs as well as pop Anglo music. If there's something in my list of gadgets is an expander, too.

I hear you, there is an analog cult going around...that's why they don't wanna hear that my modded 'DJ' TT really performs outstandingly. It's simply 'not possible''ve got to 'have' this TT exactly how you described.

The manhole cover...good one!
Pbb-have you ever heard a good analog front end?
Have you ever compared a $1000 analog front end to a $4000-$5000 CDP??
pbb, my simple-to-set-up analog rig cost me yust under $2k, cartridge included. platter is a couple pounds, motor tucked snugly underneath, driven by a simple $2 belt from mcm electronics. it will provide a more musical experience than any digital rig at any price. the previous table it replaced, i had ~$350 into it, & while not up to my present 'table, it will still hold its own w/the best that digital has to offer... and, psychic has it correct - cd has the *potential* for wide dynamic range; unfortunately is is not often utilized. even tho my dbx 3bx is not always in the signal path, cuz its in the tape loop, it's always tracking the signal, & it's really easy to see & compare the dynamic range of the program material, by the the way the lights are blinking, indicating the dynamics of whatever's being played.

hey, don't get me wrong, i enjoy my digital playback rig. but let's not delude ourselves! ;~)

doug s.

btw, david99, ya gotta spend a lot more than $4k for a cd to compete w/a $1k analog rig... or ~$350 for a modified art di/o... ;~)

Sedond, any digital at any price? Analog/vinyl reproduction is a system that is flawed from the get-go. Our ears must be really different and I am not proposing that mine are in any way superior. Strange thing, my wife can be in the car while I am listening to the radio and when I comment on something tells me she wasn't listening, simply turned her ears off she says. She insists it has nothing to do with not paying attention and insists she is filtering out unwanted signals. Says she gets it from her less than happy childhood. After all these years I am stupid enough to believe her. Could we be on to something: you can actually filter out background noise and impulse noise and just enjoy the music. I, on the other hand, am devoid of such filtration which prevents me from enjoying the music. See, put this way, I don't hear any better than you, I just hear differently. I have a long spiel saved on my hard drive about my opinion on analog/vinyl. I will not post it for two reasons: firstly, it will be judged inflammatory (hardly is, I can assure you); secondly, it will probably bore everyone to tears, since I have already vented on that subject in the past. You are an avid proponent of analogue/vinyl, more power to you, nobody can take that away from you (with the real exception of the recording industry over which neither you nor I have any control). On a balance of inconvenience, to use injunction language, I am of the opinion that the clear winner is digital/CD reproduction, teething pains and all. It takes all kinds. Regards.