How can I still hear my tuner when it's off?

With my amp and preamp on, if I set my preamp to tuner and crank the volume, with he tuner off, I can hear the signal; not at normal volume obviously. Anyone know why?

In case the question arises, if I move the selector to another input, it goes away.
I follow you, I have had numerous units that have a standy by button as well as an off button. Seeing that the tuner, Fanfare FT-1A, doesn't have both, I assumed off was off.

I cannot change stations while the unit is off, as it's push button. I will have to try unplugging it some time.

It's no big deal, I was just curious.

What kind of tuner do you have? If it's a Magnum Dynalab, what you're describing is normal (although a bit disconcerting). I've owned several MDs and still use one today, all of which exhibit this phenomenon. I actually contacted MD and sent one piece back to them because of it, only to find out later that this was normal and MD was not even aware of it at the time.

Normally one would never notice, unless the volume was way up there, so I suspect most people do not even know this is common. Go ahead and enjoy the tuner and rest assured that it is probably working properly.

It is a Fanfare FT-1A, which Marv Southcott left MD and started Fanfare, so the fact that both these brands do this shouldn't be surprising. Anyway, I wasn't really concerned of a defect or I would of just contacted Marv, I was just curious about the why's and wherefores.

Thanks for sharing your experiences!
can you hear the tuner on any other preamp setting. you might be getting an rf leak from one of your interconnects.
espceially if they are long and unsheilded. this has happend to me on long leads to the mono blocks.

i have never owned a magnum dyna. but i have own(ed) carver;mac;nad;harmon kardon tuners. when they are sound.

