Cardas Golden VS AQ Diamondx3. anybody?

Has anyone compared Cardas Golden Cross or GOlden Reference to Audioquest's Diamond interconnects?
Oh, yeah, what did I like about the GR? Sorry, that is what you wanted to know, after all. Yes, GR is a somewhat warm cable, and yes, my system is all solid state--Pass X-ONO and X-1, Classe CAM-350's, dCS/Levinson digital. But the warmth is not at the expense of the highs, which are clear and extended, although not emphasized. The GR and Monitor 0 seem to flesh out the lower midrange so cellos sound the way they do in a concert hall, something lacking in a lot of cables, at least in my system. And that included the Diamond.
J k, you bring up an interesting alternative with the AQ Anaconda. What did you find to be it's strengths over the GR (Cardas)? Anything you felt the GR did better?
Anaconda has more openness than the Cardas GR with less coloring (in my system).