Is my Salesman telling the Truth?

I stopped by my local hifi salon yesterday and my sales guy was blabbing how much cardas sucks and taralabs are so much better. Since the topic of cable preference is a very personal/subjective issue, I decided not to touch it with a 3 meter pole. He then goes on to say that network cables such as Transparent and MIT doesn't do a thing for single wire post speakers (non-biwire). I understand that most sales guys are knowledgeable and would never lie to make a sale (yeah right), but can some one comfirm or explain why this is? Thanks in advance.
You guessed right. I have owned both Tara and Cardas. Both are good but different. Now I have Transparent Ref on non biwireable speakers. I love the trans wire. Finally, I'm in sales, are most are ethical. So please don't assume otherwise!
Try them out yourself. You can through the "Cable Company".
Frankly I own MIT. In my system they performed overall the best. This is very system dependent. So take what your sales rep states with a grain of salt. BTW, I also am in sales and do not put us in the same light. Some of us have scruples.
I'll bet he does'nt sell the ones that suck and has never heard them. Do not buy something just because the other one supposedly sucks. Look at politicians. They always say the other guy sucks, when actually they all do.