Is my Salesman telling the Truth?

I stopped by my local hifi salon yesterday and my sales guy was blabbing how much cardas sucks and taralabs are so much better. Since the topic of cable preference is a very personal/subjective issue, I decided not to touch it with a 3 meter pole. He then goes on to say that network cables such as Transparent and MIT doesn't do a thing for single wire post speakers (non-biwire). I understand that most sales guys are knowledgeable and would never lie to make a sale (yeah right), but can some one comfirm or explain why this is? Thanks in advance.
I'll bet he does'nt sell the ones that suck and has never heard them. Do not buy something just because the other one supposedly sucks. Look at politicians. They always say the other guy sucks, when actually they all do.
Simplicity! They are all great in the right system and they all suck in the wrong one. The final pieces of the system, the cables, are vital and need to be demoed with your equiptment. That is the only way you can be sure.
Yes, cables are system dependent,as my predecessors point out. But; it is funny how, in much of audio, certain brands are highly revered,and command great resale,and certain others ,you have to give away. Although the brand you have to give away may be better. You said this guy was local? If your seriously interested; take home broken in ones/with exchange privilege. Audioquest,and Cardas have great resale value. If you buy them for a good used price you hardly stand to get hurt.This can be said of the other brands /mit & well.Your dealer is in buisness to make $. Don't "use" him.(As in get his advice, & demo/then buy used.)
Your salesman's advise is worthless because he is totally biased and not at all subjective. I agree that you have to try all the cables in your system before making a decision. I went through it and while it was not that much fun, it saved me a lot of time and money in the long run.

I personally had very little luck with either the Cardas or Tara. With my single post speakers, Transparent Ref XL worked great. I eventually replaced them Nordost Valhalla which I currently have and love.
You have to test the cables in your system. And it's a pain but the only way to find what fits and what won't.

There is a local dealer with whom I've dealt for quite some time. They are good, honest as I expect any salesmen to be, and quite technically capable. That said, it's never ceased to amaze me over the years that whenever I inquired about a line they didn't carry, it always came up short - they found various nits to pick. However, this line we have here will best it in ___________ (fill in the blank). The irony of this was brought home to me when they carried both Krell and Levinson, heaping praise on both (as you might imagine). But at some point they had a tiff with Krell and no longer carried the line: yes, you guessed it: ask about any Krell product and they will trot out a litany of faults of the piece and why Levinson is better. Guess the moral is that their honesty tends to be selective as a function of what they sell vis-a-vis the competition. Just be aware of it and you can filter the BS from the truth.

Without meaning to offend any salesmen in this forum, I will say here that if I ever hear a sales rep say that thus and such carried by the competition is better, I'll no doubt fall over in a dead faint.