Convert Me

I have gone back and forth on the re-entry to analog issue. I like convenience, I want to spend my time listening rather than futzing, I'd rather have fewer pieces of gear than more. But, I love great sound and I'm interested in experimenting, and fairly often I see a review of new LP that makes me think, "I'd like to try that."

So, if I were to take the plunge and give it go, I'd like people's recommendations on what to get. Cost is an issue, but not a big issue - let's say $5k budget, I'd rather not spend that much if I didn't need to, I'd spend more if it was essential. My goal would be to get an analog rig that, when I added up all the additional overhead, would make me see the clear benefits over CD.

Listening preferences are Rock/pop with healthy doses of blues and jazz. I don't listen to classical. Current equipment is:

Sony DVD-S7700 as a transport

Lexicon MC-12 preamp

Krell KAV-250a amplifier

Dynaudio Contour 3.0's.

What do you recommend? Is there a path given the variables I describe that has a good chance for me to re-adopt the LP as a medium for my music collection?

Please, no digression into the overall worthiness or sacredness of LP's - there's plenty of threads with everybody's viewpoints on that. This is an avenue I've been going back and forth in my mind for the past couple years, and I'd value anybody's viewpoint on the likelihood of success before I start, as well as the most likely path to success if I start. Thanks, Kirk

The VPI Aries with the JMW tonearm and a Sumiko Celebration cartridge. Then add the VPI SDS control device for ultimate precision. You can buy this as a package through the Elusive Disc and of course other dealers. I have this setup and it is really enjoyable. This is also a great looking and well built unit that will not keep you wondering if you went too far or should have gone farther in the analog world.
The previous post offers an excellent suggestion. If you decide you want to spend a bit less than the Aries/JMW arm combination, you might consider a setup I can recommend as a "high value" approach to LP reproduction: VPI HW-19 Mk 4 turntable with Rega RB900 arm and Grado Reference cartridge. If you need to buy a separate phono preamp, there are several very good, moderately priced options today: the Lehmann Audio Black Cube SE (with the new PWX power supply); the Phonomena (with separate battery power pack); and the Camelot Technologies unit (called the "Lancelot", I think).
I'll strongly second the Aries, JMW and SDS (though I am quite happy with my Grado The Reference cartridge). I got a nearly mint complete Aries setup with flywheel -- I'd recommend it -- and extended dustcover for $3,100 on Audiogon; I've seen the cartridge recently going for About $800.

Don't overlook the value of a good phono cable (I like the XLO Signature, which has moved on Audiogon for as little as $250) and stand (I use the big, very expensive Symposium Ultra TNT atop an old Lead Balloon rack). Altogether, you can put together a "final purchase" combo within your $5k budget.