Speaker cable recommendation ?

I'm planning on buying new/used speaker cables. One of the cables are Nordost SPM's but I need 5m run's, so its too expensive. What are my choices within $1500 ~ $2000 ?

PS Audio HCA-2
Wadia 301
Audio Physic Tempo III
REL Strata
P-500 Pwr Regenarator

PSA power cables for amp, cd and P-500. Wadia is connected directly to HCA-2 with Nordost SPM XLR's.

Thanks a lot.
The Ibis speaker from Zu cable. This cable is in your price range, and it really is musical & Transparent.
check out the new xindak copper weave speaker cable,it's just getting to the U.S. market now,it is incredible.both pureaudio & father & son audio are importing it.
Thanks for reply. What about Nordost Red Dawn ? Anybody want to share their experience ?
I use 4m pairs of MIT 770 CVT. It really opened up the bass in my Sequel II's and it does a great job with my new Revel Studios. I bought them used for $1,000. (They no longer make this model, which is why it was so inexpensive. It was replaced by the way more expensive Oracle series).

Good luck in your search!