Cable / Upgrade Recommendation

I am consider upgrading to new cables for my 2-channel system(Adcom GCD 750 / Morrison ELAD / Audiosource Amp2 bridged / NHT VT1.2 / MIT T2 cables), and I am not sure which cables to try. The system sounds a bit bright, so perhaps cables with warmer characteristics? I understand that the T2 are already on the warm side; maybe I should consider upgrading something else? FYI, I listen to mostly jazz and classical.

Thanks in advance for any advice!
Also you might look at your AC power situation: upgrade AC cords &/or power line conditioning equipment. Another approach is look into resonance control: shelves, cones, Vibrapods can work wonders at fine tuning problems such as you mention above.
Hi Bob_bundus,
Thanks for the advice! BTW, I am using T2 Interconnects between the CDP and the preamp, and regular garden-variety cables between preamp and amp. As for AC power upgrade, I will definite do that too, since I live in an apt building...
An inexpensive and effective but very neutral power conditioner, IMO, is the Monster HTS-2000 which is avalable for $125.00 (discounted) online from It helped considerably with our apartment incarcerated system in LA. I am now experimenting with using two in tandem for the digital equipment, but one alone made an earth shaking difference in our setup (much smoother highs, plus many other benefits). I also agree with trying out a set of Vibrapods ($24 shipped) under the source as well. The Monster and the Vibrapods were the best bang for the buck when I was attempting to rid the system(s) of digital glare and harshness. I am moving on to what I hope to be better things as far as isolation components go but they are considerably more costly. I will still be using the Pods on a second bedroom system because they make it sound much better and cost so little.
Pods alone are amazing, but there's still more to be had! I have Black Diamond shelves under my components, which are also amazing but rather pricey. Put some Vibrapods between your rack & the shelf (B.D., MDF, Nuance, or whatever shelf you prefer) & things really come alive! Then add some cones under the components for additional enhancement, YMMV of course. Much experimentation is required, but the results can be startling when you're finished.
Although sometimes I preferred NO cones, just the pods & a shelf. Or sometimes brass cones, Black Diamond #3 or #4 cones, or Polycrystal's. Each type yields different charactaristics. It never ends once you dive into this...
To warm things up, I have found the harmonic tech truthlink interconnects and the analysis plus speaker cables to be effective.