Need good Component Video Cables

Just bought a Sony DVP-S9000ES player and a 55" Mitsubishi Diamond series HD-ready TV. I bought some monster cable just so I could hook it up out of the store, then I upgraded to a run of Transparent. The picture now has a slight overshadow (ghosting?) to it. I've tried rearranging cables and power cords, but to no avail. I know it is the component cable, because when I use the Monster cable the image has no shadow. $60 Monster cable bested $300 Transparent, go figure. Can someone recommend a good, shielded, component video cable--a 3 meter run--that is priced between $500 and $1000? Thanks.
You can put yourself into a whole lot of component video cable for that kind of money. I have recently been looking into this, though I cannot spend quite that much.

Tributaries are well known for their component video cable. Look at their SCVC set; 3m is around $400--I think (my local guy has a demo 3m. set for $350). I am not sure, but I think they may have a higher-up-the-food-chain set than the SCVC. Go to their website and check it out. I do know they have a dealer locater there.

Audioquest also has several models of component. Their top of the line set/3m. approaches $1000, and looks like it will send a hell of signal.

Both are sold and can be viewed at, who have other models as well. You might also try, they might have a high end set that could satisfy. But their regular doesn't sound like they will cut it for you. Finally, you can always try old faithful, Canare. These are pretty good and supposedly smunch monster's top of the line. There are plenty of dealers that sell these. I also saw a guy on ebay selling them (2 different lines, good and really good), but both are cheaper than either mentioned above, however.
Hope that helps, Happy viewing.
You might want to contact Transparent and make sure you do not have a faulty cable. Might save you some $$. If you bought it local I would return it. Good luck.
I have the same DVD player, connected to a Faroudja DVP2200 to an NEC 7" CRT projector. There are two that I can recommend. One is the Audioquest YIQ-4. I'm using it with this transport. I upgraded from BetterCables. It is surprising how close the better cables was. You won't be able to spend $500 on BetterCables, but for the money they can't be beat. I probably wasted a few bucks on the Audioquest--it is better--but the price is on the high side.
I'm using the transparent cable it's great! What is likly happening is someone removed part of the connector to peek on the inside. There is a warning in the box that says this messes up the grounding sceme. That will cause your ghost image. (umm..I know from personal experience).

The transparent cable is one of the best out there...I'd get it fixed
Before you throw a lot of money at a solution, I suggest you contact for a price quote. I bought a 1 meter set of component video cables from BetterCables, and am VERY impressed with the build quality and performance. The fellow who owns BetterCables hand-builds all cables to order, and his cables have gotten very good writeups by various reviewers. He also builds custom cables for professional use in TV and video studios. Take a look at the Web site for more info: