Lyra Lydian Beta, Rega hum?

Just mounted a Lyra Lydian Beta on my Rega P25/RB600. Got some serious hum. I have heard of problems like this with Grado cartridges, but not with Lyra. Does anyone have experiance with this combination? Phono preamp is Sonic frontiers SFP-1.
Thanks all for responses so far.

All contacts are tight and on the correct pins. Hum is from both channels and is heard all the time. Jimbo3, how would I ground a Rega turntable?

Today I put a B&O cartridge from my circa 1982 beogram RX on the Rega. The hum is now a factor only at high volume. It would be something I could live with if it were a decent cartridge. I don't think this proves the problem is with the Lyra. The low level hum with the B&O is the same as with the Lyra, only at a much lower level. Maybe the Lyra is more sensitive?

I clearly don't know what I am talking about.

Jfrech, I wish I could comment on the characteristics of the Rega/ Lyra combination, but so far it is unlistenable.
...ain't rock-n-roll only in the world David, but for even listening to Metallica I would bet more on Basis1400.
Jsbail- A constant hum such as you are describing is most probably some sort of grounding/misconnection problem as it is happening with both cartridges. I used to have a P3 and recall that there is some way to ground it, but I can't recall exactly. I think it had something to do with connecting a wire to the arm at the attacment point underneath the table and then to ground, but I can't be sure. Sorry.

Anybody out there know about grounding a Rega? Maybe the Basis Brothers could describe how their RB300 is grounded?

The only other thing I can add is that I once had a similar problem and it turned out to be a wire not soldered well to the connector pin.
I know the rega arm is grounding through the RCA connectors. Might be a issue there with your preamp.

Sorry I can't help more...maybe try posting this on Audio Assylum under the vinyl section...maybe someone will know some tricks...or email sonic frontiers?