Mapleshade power cord

Hello, I am seeking opinions on the new power core (150.00)
I want to use it on my ARC preamp. Thanks
Look up the asylum power cord from kevin at audio asylum. He uses's bob crumps reference design, custom makes them for $54.99, proceeds go to charity and it is the best bang for the buck cable I have ever had. Beat my HT ac11.
Hello and thanks for the response. I am using the mapleshade double helix interconnect and the helix speaker wire. I am very pleased and now it is time for pcs. When I auditioned the cables I compared the interconnects with Cardas Golden Cross and the mapleshade was just as pleasing and based upon price I chose Mapleshade. My system is an analog system, Music ref. RM9 mkII , ARC SP9 MKIII mods by Great Northern Sound and a michell Gyro Dec. Anyway if I had to describe the sound it would be fat compared to digital. So needless to say I am trying to keep that sound going. Today I will order a silver audio power burst as I would like to try there phono cable also. Again thanks for the info and good listening.
Best Regards
Par: Thanks for the input on the Mapleshade IC's and speaker cable. I tried a Powerburst on my DAC, but it was the older version, so I did not bother to mention it above (I liked it but it was not for sale, just a loaner). There is a "Help with tube amp" thread by Emily that could use your input on the MR9 if you get a chance. David