anybody has any suggestion for the best AC cord on the market?
i am upgrading all my system and need a set of AC cord, i am thinking to go with psaudio lab cable or black mamba, but after doing some research the whale elite seems to be popular, any recommendation?
Here we go, it's on, and I can hardly wait. I'll go pull the pin on the fire extinquisher and put on my flame-proof suit.
What do guys think about Aural Symphonics Missing Link Cubed V3? I hooked it up to my CD transport (Theta Data Basic II) The mid-range & highs became more detailed but I lost the punch & authority in my bass. Can I get that back. Also does the same power cord work for all your components or should you use different ones for different components (i.e. amps, preamps, d/a, transport). Which components benefit more and should use more expensive ones on them. I am new to this concept and any suggestiond would be helpfull.
Dynamics: What is you system and what are you looking/hearing to do with the sound?
Try the Absolute Power Company cables on sale on Audiogon for $39 each. I would be surprised if there is a cable available for less than $1000 that can beat them.