Absolute Power Cord does the trick

The previous thread was way to long and filled with flame mail. I want to thank the guy who started it as it finally got me interested in checking out his story... Where there's smoke..., some times there's fire. I took the risk and ordered one to try. Best $40 I ever spent on audio. The damn thing simply does the job: clean quiet power, everything sounds more detailed and natural against a dark background. Go figure.
Well, there's some used ones already for sale if you need more: http://gonmain.iserver.net/cgi-bin/cl.pl?cablpowr&992974895&class&3&4&
I took the plunge, now selling a pair for $70... They're OK, but no giant killer.
OK, time for some details about this cable. It is 8ft length
only, 14awg and looks like a cheap heavy duty extension cord
you get at the hardware store, even comes tied in the center
like an extension cord, looks like a $39 cable. Looks can be deceiving however.

You discover right away the molded female IEC is high quality as it grips much tighter than cords that come stock. Like all cables burn-in is required, at first sounding slightly bright and grainy. After 3-4 days sound blossoms, providing smooth, detailed sound, quite natural sounding which is amazing for a cable at this price level.

How good is it? I feel it is an exaggeration to say it equals the $1-2,000 cables, but it is very good. I would say it sounds as good as the best cables in the $250-500
range, quite an acheivement. To me clearly better than say
a HT ProAC11, and close to equaling the excellent
Shunyata Sidewinder at fraction of the cost. As with any cable some will like it and some won't depending on your system and musical taste. My system can be viewed in virtual
systems under "musical fidelity nirvana"

In summary we should thank member KrJr for bringing this excellent bargain to our attention, I can second his recommendation, and urge other members to give them a try
for $39 each, add currently listed under cables/power in the dealer section, GTT Audio. It is refreshing to get good performance at a very reasonable price in this often overpriced area of product.
The only other good deal in power cords I know of are on eBay. The MAS Power Master (+/- $50) and the Audio One Reference Power Cord (+/- $75) made by Stu Wein at AudioParts@aol.com --- They can also be purchase directly from Stu.
Stu's cables were reviewed favorably in Stereophile when he was still in busiess full time. He made the digital cable that came with the original Wadia DAC.