I opened both MIT and Transparent netwks

I have opened both MIT and Transparent networks to see what was in them. In both cases, it was very similar. In both, I found an inductor, capacitor, and a resistor. They were connected between the signal and ground in a novel way. Both were encased in an epoxy or glue that I had to break to see what was in it. The wire in both networks appeared to be just simple copper wire, and the soldering work was sloppy and ugly. It made me very upset. However, I do think that both MIT and Transparent make very good cables- the MIT's excel in bloom and soundstaging while the Transparents allow a deep silence between notes- a very low noise floor. BTW, I have also cut open a transparent reference digital interconnect, audioquest corals, NBS, and Cardas twinlinks and hexlinks. The Cardas had amazing workmanship and wonderful soldering in even their cheapest cable.

Interesting that the soldering was poor on the Transparent. They always have claimed that their handbuilt cables has the highest workmanship.

The use of RLC between signal and ground is not surprising. We've known this. What would be nice to know is what the values of R,L, & C were and how the circuit was arranged.
Regarding the Transparent cables, the soldering inside the network box was poor. The soldering at the terminations were generally excellent. I cut them open a few years ago but I think I still have them around. The values on the capacitor were rubbed off. The inductor seemed to be handwound and thus had no values on it.

the owner of trnasparent use to be in with Mit and he took the Idea from them which he helped engineer. Thats why they are very close in looks and workmanship. They are both good cables but the network acts as a sort of crossover and if you have a crossover in your speakers than why would you need one in your cables?
Before you cut open something else that is expensive and good, give it to me please. :)