Help with NEW MC cartridge putchase

I am certain that this question has come up before, but here it goes again. I would like to purchase a good quality MC cartridge to go with my tube phono stage (40 db of gain). The rest of my equipment are all based on tubes and I use SET amps. I currently am using the ClearAudio Aurum Beta S model, which is a MM cartridge. But I want to experience-- hopefully towards a positive direction--the sound of the MC cartridge. I am not looking for anything that costs an arm and a leg. No more than $750. If you have any suggestions, I would really appreciate it. Thank you
So since SET amps are designed for cozy and sentimental music, you can get a realy soft and musical Benz Micro Glider high output version(2V) and use the volume control of your preamp a-little higher than you use for the rest of components.
check out the dynavector 17D2 MK2, rather interesting and new it it's approach, with great reviews.
Having just made the jump from a Beta S myself, I spent a good bit of time researching MC's and decided on a Shelter 901($1,300). The 901 sounds too expensive for you and therefore the Shelter 501 at $800 may be worth a wallet stretch. I auditioned both and went with the 901 because it seemed to pull 100% of the music out of the groove vs. 85 to 90% with the 501. Both have detailed bass and excellent highs without a sense of briteness and best of all a warm, open soundstage. Thanks to a local friend, I also tried a Benz LO4, and a VDH Frog and both of the Shelters beat the other choices (the VDH seemed too analytical and the Benz was too similar to the Beta S to warrent a change) . I am no expert on gain and the shelter output is.4mV so if that is sufficient, it's worth considering.
whatever you chose in the MC dept. you'll probably need a step up transformer, high output cartridge, or both. 40dB isn't a whole lot of gain.
G_m_c's recommendation of the Dynavector is an excellant one, it's a terrific cartridge, but it outputs .22mv, if memory serves. So Bob_bundus's point is very valid. Unfortunately a good step up tranny will take too large of a hunk out of you budget to make a low output MC, really any quality MC, a realistic choice.

While low outputs are better at the top end,IMHO, you don't have a choice but to go for a high output.