PC s and/or conditioners etc for BAT

Curious as to what BAT owners may be using if they are using power cords, conditioners, regenerators, etc. BAT is extrememly cautious and recommends nothing. But I know some people experiment. I have a VK-30SE, D5SE, and VK-60 and use a mix of BAT stock cords and Cardas.
I have the VK150SEs and use the Shunyata Viper V2s on them plugged directly into the wall. I use a P300 on my front end. I did try a Sound Application CF-X line conditioner with everything plugged into it and I can say that it is fantastic, among the best upgrade I have ever heard. It is terribly expensive, so before I took the plunge I decided to order a Hydra and see if it could provide most of what the CF-X can do. I also get a noticable improvment from a set of Black Diamond #3 cones under my amps.
I have a VKD5SE that improve significantly when plugged into a PP300. But the PP ran way too hot and close to its limit on just that one piece. Then I changed to a PP600. The most incredible transformation was wrought when I plugged the player into the PP via a King Cobra v2. The noise floor disappeared and the bass became revelatory. The best upgrade I have ever made to my system. Period.
Thanks for all the replies. There is a variety of things that seem to work well. Victor at BAT is very reluctant to even broach the subject of aftermarket power cords. The PS Audio stuff seems to work but needs to be at least the 600 model. The magical Powersnakes seem to work their black magic here as well.