Help with NEW MC cartridge putchase

I am certain that this question has come up before, but here it goes again. I would like to purchase a good quality MC cartridge to go with my tube phono stage (40 db of gain). The rest of my equipment are all based on tubes and I use SET amps. I currently am using the ClearAudio Aurum Beta S model, which is a MM cartridge. But I want to experience-- hopefully towards a positive direction--the sound of the MC cartridge. I am not looking for anything that costs an arm and a leg. No more than $750. If you have any suggestions, I would really appreciate it. Thank you
whatever you chose in the MC dept. you'll probably need a step up transformer, high output cartridge, or both. 40dB isn't a whole lot of gain.
G_m_c's recommendation of the Dynavector is an excellant one, it's a terrific cartridge, but it outputs .22mv, if memory serves. So Bob_bundus's point is very valid. Unfortunately a good step up tranny will take too large of a hunk out of you budget to make a low output MC, really any quality MC, a realistic choice.

While low outputs are better at the top end,IMHO, you don't have a choice but to go for a high output.
I agree with the above...40dB isn't much gain. Go with a high output like the Benz Glider (HO version) or something similar.
I second the vote for the Denon DL-103D, a classic
MC cartridge. I owned one twenty years ago, sold it,
and regretted that. I picked up a new one last year
from Denon USA. It is an outstanding value. You'd need
to spend >$1000 to substantially better its performance.
Comparable to LO, are there HO MCs worth owning in the $750 range? Would a potentially better option be to spend less on a HO and pocket the difference? The only HO cart in the range, that i can think of, is the Glider. I do not know, i am really asking.