Am I assuming too Much?

I recently added my old Dual turntable with Stanton 500 cartridge and NAD phono preamp to my 2 channel system. Just wanted to play some old stuff I hadn't heard in a while and to transfer some to CD. However I was quite shocked that my TT sounds very near as good as my $2200 CDP. Tharefore my assumption is that if my old TT with a cheap cartridge sounds 98% as good than a table ie Music Hall MMF-7 should make my records sound even better than my cd's. Does this seem like a proper assumption
Careful Artemus...your Dual might be better than the Music Hall. If you post this in Zero Distortion I am confident you will get a straight answer from an expert on Dual TTs (Dejan Veselinovic).
I think what you've noticed, Artemus, is that LPs and CDs sound *different*. And, as these posts indicate, everyone has different preferences/tolerances/etc. So predicting how you would like a better TT, as compared to your CDP, is impossible. But if you like the sound of vinyl, it's certainly worth trying out a better rig.
For all those interested, Zero Distortion is a Yugoslav audio e-zine. It started a couple of months ago and I was invited to join. It's got a few but really good audio guys from Europe, USA and Canada (including yours truly). Most of us are ex TNT-Audio people...