I have owned many MC cartridges over the years, most recently a Van den Hul Grasshopper. A year ago I switched to a low output Grado Reference after learning it was a good match for my Well-Tempered Reference table and arm. This is the best sound I've had from LPs and highly recommend it. Have not heard the Grado Statement, but it is said to be even better (at double the price). You did not say, but does your CAT have the phono stage? Lots of good choices here. Like most of us you will have to experiment to see what works best with the table/arm you decide on and your own musical tastes. By the way, I owned a Zeta arm in the early 80s with a Sota turntable. It was a good arm in its day, but I believe you can do better. Given the quality of your system, especially your CD front end, you might consider Basis, VPI, and Clear Audio tables perhaps with a Graham or VPI arm. The VPI Aries is a very fine choice for the money. When you hear how much better a good analog rig is compared to your CD system you'll be glad you did. Make sure you learn how to properly set up your arm and cartridge. It's not hard with a little patience and the right tools, but take the time to learn.