702- Sorry about not reponding more quickly. I was too busy deluding myself with irrelevant audio tweaks to check back with this thread. Your conclusion that I know nothing about the people in question is absolutely wrong. I don't claim to know everything, but I do know some things from the responses given in this thread and others. It is based on those comments that I used the term "losers" and limited its' context to music.
Let me add another boastful statement. There does not exist a true hi-end system that can't be improved sonically through the use of exceptional, aftermarket power cords selected by the "ludicrous and erroneous practice of personal auditioning".
As for JHunter- The fear of discovering that the Emperor has no clothes is clearly indicated by those who consistantly refuse to audition and experience for themselves the positive effects of the best pcs. At least the child who proclaimed the Emperor nude, was present at the time to observe the Emperor. Those on this thread who refuse to take part in or expend the slightist effort necessary to expand their personal experience concerning this subject, don't even have the validity of the aforementioned child who at least PERSONALLY WITNESSED the procession.
You wish that others go out of their way to accommodate YOU concerning an issue that YOU won't even bother to place a few phone calls and obtain power cords so that YOU can listen to them yourself. Just how sincere, or should I write closeminded or lazy, is that! Brulee has already offered you the opportunity to experience the difference in his home. All that is required of you is to just arrange a time and show up. If you won't take the time, effort, and shipping money to discover for yourself through dealers that allow auditioning, at least put forth the time to take Brulee up on his offer. Stop complaining that more people aren't willing to put themselves out for what will amount to simply your benefit. (I write this, because the others will not change their experience-less based opinions even if you do). I do hope that you are honestly sincere about participating ( I will gladly offer the first glass of wine or beer during dinner in reconciliation for my diatribe ), but the burden is now solely on you.
As always, just my .02
Let me add another boastful statement. There does not exist a true hi-end system that can't be improved sonically through the use of exceptional, aftermarket power cords selected by the "ludicrous and erroneous practice of personal auditioning".
As for JHunter- The fear of discovering that the Emperor has no clothes is clearly indicated by those who consistantly refuse to audition and experience for themselves the positive effects of the best pcs. At least the child who proclaimed the Emperor nude, was present at the time to observe the Emperor. Those on this thread who refuse to take part in or expend the slightist effort necessary to expand their personal experience concerning this subject, don't even have the validity of the aforementioned child who at least PERSONALLY WITNESSED the procession.
You wish that others go out of their way to accommodate YOU concerning an issue that YOU won't even bother to place a few phone calls and obtain power cords so that YOU can listen to them yourself. Just how sincere, or should I write closeminded or lazy, is that! Brulee has already offered you the opportunity to experience the difference in his home. All that is required of you is to just arrange a time and show up. If you won't take the time, effort, and shipping money to discover for yourself through dealers that allow auditioning, at least put forth the time to take Brulee up on his offer. Stop complaining that more people aren't willing to put themselves out for what will amount to simply your benefit. (I write this, because the others will not change their experience-less based opinions even if you do). I do hope that you are honestly sincere about participating ( I will gladly offer the first glass of wine or beer during dinner in reconciliation for my diatribe ), but the burden is now solely on you.
As always, just my .02