A most neutral and transparent power cord

Hi.I have been reading all the interesting topics about cables for the past while.Can i get you votes for a most neutral and transparent PC for around 200 new or used...THANKS!!!
Thanks Viggen. I am close to buying one and just seeing how it goes, and that helps. I need a cord to feed my amp. I find the BMIs are great cords elsewhere in the system but just do not deliver the current to my amp. The Eichmann sounds as if it does - particularly if it does the difficult current delivery job of feeding a power distributor.
I'll second the nod to Eichmann. I tried one out and played wiht it in several areas. I found the TG Audio SLVR beat it on my amp, but the Eichmann seemed to synergistically gel with the mod'd Sony SACD front end I have....match made in heaven !

Sounds (as Viggen has kind of said, and I have found in my system) that it can do better in some areas than others, but overall it's a fine cord.
Hey Ox,

I have both the Gain and Source cords but have only used the Gain on the Stealth so far.
Thanks Viggen. I have been considering the Wolf since I'm looking for a ~$200 cord to pair with a Stealth Mini that I bought used, which didn't come with the stock Audio Magic powercord. I'm presently using it with a BPT Clarity-10 powercord, but the combination isn't ideal. The Stealth w. BPT cord does wonders with my amp OR my preamp. However, when both are plugged into the Stealth, the dynamics are choked off. I think this may be a current limiting problem, and perhaps a better powercord may be the ticket. Please update us once the Wolf cord breaks in, and let us know how it finally measures up against the Eichmann. Thanks again!