A most neutral and transparent power cord

Hi.I have been reading all the interesting topics about cables for the past while.Can i get you votes for a most neutral and transparent PC for around 200 new or used...THANKS!!!
Thanks Viggen. I have been considering the Wolf since I'm looking for a ~$200 cord to pair with a Stealth Mini that I bought used, which didn't come with the stock Audio Magic powercord. I'm presently using it with a BPT Clarity-10 powercord, but the combination isn't ideal. The Stealth w. BPT cord does wonders with my amp OR my preamp. However, when both are plugged into the Stealth, the dynamics are choked off. I think this may be a current limiting problem, and perhaps a better powercord may be the ticket. Please update us once the Wolf cord breaks in, and let us know how it finally measures up against the Eichmann. Thanks again!
Hey Oxia,

I use components with rather low power requirements. With that being said, the Eichmann really only excel on the Furutech power distributor and not on my amp, cd player or on the AM Stealth Mini. So, I don't think it is a current or power issue that makes the Eichmann and Furutech combo work so well together rather they have sonic attributes that synergizes well. The same can be said about the Wolfcord and Stealth. However, I surmise that your system's AC might be too filtered rather than its power being choked off when you have both components hooked into the Stealth. In this case, the Wolf cord might or might not be your ticket. The Wolf cord does give the Stealth more ability to sound less filtered being that this cable has more clarity than the others I've used. If, however, you feel your current is being choked off, you can try the Wolf cord or their new Gain Squared which supposedly is a higher gauge cable.

I cannot absolutely say which cable is better than the other: The Wolff cords just works better in mine. Being that my system is a digital based and not an analog based one, emi/rfi being taken into consideration is important to me. And Wolff cords do this more so than Bogdans.
Yea, Ben hates shielded cables. I am in complete agreement with you about drawing inferences from one system to another, but I am very impressed with the Bogdan and have not heard teh Wolff.