Tuner in the 600 range for classical music?

I am a classical musician and would like to record my performances from the local classical music station in Cleveland. Which tuners could be recommended in the $400-$800 new or used. The rest of my system is Onix, Cambridge Audio, and B&W.
I am looking for a tuner to pull in a strong and very clear signal. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
I owned a fanfare for awhile...very nice. If you don't have to spend your full amount (like that's something audiophiles think) the tubed dyna fm-3 from 40 years ago is still one of the best around I've heard and can be snagged under $100... or even under $50 on ebay half the time. http://www.avahifi.com/FM3.htm Other good ones are the Tandberg 3001a, I've seen those in your $ range. The McIntosh MR-80, MR-78, MR-77, MR-71 all good...78 best. Marantz 10B good, but $$$$$. A Linn Kudos might be had for $800 used (they don't make'em anymore anyhow) and those are very good I've heard.

Try a used Magnum Dynalab FT-101. It has exceptional sensitivity, selectivity, FM quieting, and very good sound quality. I know it does these things for a fact, because I happen to own one. And even though I don't listen to classical (I listen R&B, Jazz and Rap & Hip-Hop), it does wonders to my favorite music as well. It will certainly sound great with classical (it's exceptional FM quieting will do the trick for you). Try one. Believe me, you won't be sorry. Oh, one other thing I didn't mention. They seem to hold their value well too. The original FT-101 was priced at $495.00 back in 1985. They are going for at least $500.00 when you purchase them used on "E-Bay" (I paid $590.00 for mine back in 2000, and have no regrets either). A very good tuner in my opinion. I tell you what. If I should begin to upgrade my system in the next few years, besides maybe my Nakamichi BX-300 Cassette Deck, I will also be keeping my Magnum Dynalab FT-101. Now, if that's not a high enough endorsement, then I don't know what is.

Just get a Sansui TU 717 - under $200 it's a no brainer- But, chances are you'll never end up listening to the radio (too many commercials) to appreciate wasting money on a "great" tuner.