No response from Audiolabyrinth regarding his system???
No two anything perform exactly the same, but to date difference from one SPDIF digital cable to another is not significant to me. Differences with many analog wires I try are.
Mapman, I have heard sizable differences with digital cabling. Some cable manufacturers tell me it can be the most sensitive of all. The best RCA SPDIF cabling I have owned were the Teos liquid cables. I have heard others say Rick Schultz's stuff is the shizzle. Who knows.
USB digital connections is the one type I suspect will tend towards more noticeable variation in sound quality case by case depending on implementation, which is why I am happy I have mostly been able to avoid having to deal much with those to-date. USB, unlike SPDIF is not designed solely for audio, so many outcomes are possible.
Agreed. I am in the middle of muddling through that.
WHen the time comes, I will shoot for an asynchronous USB implementation where DAC-side clock rather than general purpose computer manages timing and required bandwidth reliably and use a USB wire of good quality from a reputable maker like I do with most things and expect that to do the job quite well.
I also agree. I have heard that the Trinity dac's USB implementation is impervious to source, reclockers, etc. That is really the ideal. I think its a weakness of many current designs that you need all this extra crap...