Cardas or Harmonic Technology

I'm pondering on whether to get Cardas Golden Reference interconnect or Harmonic Technology Pro-Silway Mk II. Since my area does not have both cables to audition, I wonder if any one has the chance to try and compare the two cables?

I have looked for used cable on Audiogon and found that the price difference between the two is hugh...may be around 2 times. Not sure if the sound improvement justify for the price tag of cardas. I heard a lot of good comments of Harmonic Tech and not sure if it is really as great as Cardas.

My current system consists of Plinius SA-250, Plinius CD-LAD. Going to upgrade my speakers to Eggleston Work Andra and CD player to Meridien 508.24.

Patrick do you know about Cable Co library,,
you can put small deposit down and check out both HT PS II and Cardas GR, deposit is applied towards purchase of any item from them, fantastic service to audiophiles!

Of course if possible buy used here, HT PS II are excellent
silver cables for the price and do not unduly emphasize treble region as many silver cables do, have not heard Cardas GR as it is way out of my price range, I have owned
Cardas Cross IC but GR I believe is too different to make comparison. Please check out Cable Co.
I have just recently been in touch with the cable co. Those boys are about to be hands-on in helping me straighten out my mess. Super nice folks, Plus buy your old I/C's.
I just sold my two pairs of Pro Silways as I went to an integrated. I did at one time use them with a Plinius. I was not overly impressed with them. I am now using Cardas Golden Reference. I find the GR to be quite a bit more focused, with better imaging and transparancy. The biggest difference I found is that the Cardas provide a quieter background in my system. I also used Wireworld Gold Eclipse with my Plinius and Cardas Neutral reference. They both worked extremely well. As for speaker cables with the Plinius, I had the most success with Wireworld Polaris. They were fast, neutral and very dynamic.
I have also compared the two cables and found the harmonic tech to have a cleaner more natural sound than the cardas. You want a cable that wont add or tkae away from your system.(unless your system is bright) if it is bright then I would go with the cardas I found them to have a warm presentation. And the harmonics did a disappearing act in my system. The cardas is good but in my system I liked the harmonic techs. I use a levinson 335 a levinson 39 and martin logan ascents and all harmonic techs. P.S. I sold all my transparent music link ultras and bought the harmonics. I hope this was of help to you.
Lev, That is the best post you have ever written. There is no shouting or threats, it is neutral, informative and written in a pleasant style. You get positive points from me for most improved poster. Please, more like this one.
