Sell King Cobra s and buy F I M Gold ?

After reading "all" past debates of which is best, I have accquired a FIM gold power cord through a mutual trade with a audiophile and found that FIM's gold power cable is a stunning upgrade and runs to the top of the heap in power cords. I thought the King Cobra was it.As a matter of fact, I own 5 of them.For what they once accomplished the FIM has surpassed my expectations.For those who agree (without the flames) speak up.should I sell the balance of my King Cobra's and purchase the FIM golds? Any help would be gladly appreciated.Thanks.
I have not sampled the well-touted King Cobras, but many other reputable cords, including Electraglide Fat Boys have spent time in my system. They have all, save two been replaced by FIM's. I find these rather stiff pieces of cable to improve virtually every facet of my system.
Out of curiosity, have you tried the BMI Whale Elite? If you did how did it compare?
Hi Chuckie, I did the same thing. I had 3 KC and 2 Cobras. After hearing the FIM I sold the snakes. The FIM PC works everywhere in my system. Cannot say the same about the KC. As good as the KC is it sounds a bit dark and a fine grain or something disappeared when I replaced them with the FIM. In my system the FIM had better transparency and dynamics.
Hello Siddh,Lak,and Brulee
I have never tried Electraglide Fatboys or the BMI Whale Elite but have had the Synergistic Reference and JPS cables in my system.I might try the BMI Whale before I make my decision on selling the Powersnakes.The King Cobra is no step child.It does not sound dark compared to the FIM in my system.The FIM excels in a wider range of dynamics and a better resolution of inner detail in my system.I also agree with Brulee,compared to the FIM the King Cobra has some graininess.I guess to some people these differences are minor but for me once heard it becomes a revelation of what the FIM can do to help bring my system beyond being "just" hifi.Diminishing return on your money for power cords I say....NOT ! I believe some aftermarket power cords can enhance what a system can do and it ain't no voodoo.Thanks, for your response.