Sell King Cobra s and buy F I M Gold ?

After reading "all" past debates of which is best, I have accquired a FIM gold power cord through a mutual trade with a audiophile and found that FIM's gold power cable is a stunning upgrade and runs to the top of the heap in power cords. I thought the King Cobra was it.As a matter of fact, I own 5 of them.For what they once accomplished the FIM has surpassed my expectations.For those who agree (without the flames) speak up.should I sell the balance of my King Cobra's and purchase the FIM golds? Any help would be gladly appreciated.Thanks.
Hello Siddh,Lak,and Brulee
I have never tried Electraglide Fatboys or the BMI Whale Elite but have had the Synergistic Reference and JPS cables in my system.I might try the BMI Whale before I make my decision on selling the Powersnakes.The King Cobra is no step child.It does not sound dark compared to the FIM in my system.The FIM excels in a wider range of dynamics and a better resolution of inner detail in my system.I also agree with Brulee,compared to the FIM the King Cobra has some graininess.I guess to some people these differences are minor but for me once heard it becomes a revelation of what the FIM can do to help bring my system beyond being "just" hifi.Diminishing return on your money for power cords I say....NOT ! I believe some aftermarket power cords can enhance what a system can do and it ain't no voodoo.Thanks, for your response.
I was introduced to the Powersnakes line through a friend who has King Cobra V2 throughout his system. I own a KC and 2 Vipers in my system. Recently this friend emailed me to inform me that he had found something better than the KCv2. Acoustic Zen Powercords (around 350.00 retail) I noticed that he was selling his KCv2s. At 1/8 the price of a KC that might be something worth checking in to.
Chuckie- I've owned the EG Fatboys and the Shunyata KC and Cobra cords. The FIM Gold has bettered everything I throw at it. I do enjoy some of the characteristics of the KCv1 (and still use one in my system, for now), but the FIM Gold is the clear winner in my system. Just my .02.
I did a 3 month shoot-out with the king cobra mk2, fim gold and the ensemble mega powerflux from switzerland. the ensemble is the lowest priced of the three at $680 for a 2m. all three cords are great but I preferred the ensemble overall for it's perfectly ballanced sound. it also had the lowest noise floor of the three. the fim had slightly more energy, but sounded overwelming at times. the stiffness was also hard to work with. the king cobra came in last place sounding the most colored.
Just a little follow-up-thought. No opinions on these threads bear any importance, unless you create the opportunity to hear, not only cables, but any component in your system. My cables may synergize beautifully in my room with my components, but offer unwanted anomilies into others. These determinations do not classify the auditioned components as good, bad or unworthy. I have often heard very costly components sound amusical when improperly matched, and conversely experienced lower high end systems (systems being the key word) reproduce a much closer rendition to the real thing.