Seeking advice from the SL1200 fan s

I'm going to do it. I'm really going to buy KAB's modded 1200 very soon. I've been reading all forums I can find on the subject. Most folks don't speak too highly of it. Would the Shure V15xMR be too much for this? I'm not set up for MC. I do require a wide groove (78) stylus as well. Should it be wall mounted or heavy floor stand? I have suspended floors (hardwood). If I get the fluid damper would this take care of the weakness in the arm I keep hearing about? Thanks for any input from the fan(s)! Brad
Ok, I'll spring for the damper. I still need some help with cartridge selection. I listen to just about anything, the biggest percentage of my collection falls somewhere between mid-60's to early 80's (oldies, classic rock). I have recently started mellowing out with my purchases-more jazz and acoustic type stuff. I do classical but it is not a staple in my diet. What exactly do I need to take into consideration when choosing a cartridge? This is my first gear purchase in @20 yrs. Thanks Brad
I listen to everything...I was recommended the X5 by Kenny of Needledoctor, who told me owns a 1200 and listens to everything like me. The other choice he said would be a Benz ACE.
Kenny also recommended that I try the X5, but I wound up spending more and getting a B-M Glider M2 from Bob at the Elusive Disk, who I felt was the best to deal with. Various input I got said it was the best in the around $600 range (w/trade), and I haven't had any problems with it in the 1200, but the shopping experience underscored for me how compromised your ability to choose is when you can't actually audition anything in your system beofore committing. No shops in my area (DC) could play me anything I was considering, much less do a comparision. You've almost got to go on faith unless you know someone who owns a cart you're interested in.
Will something like The Lifter work with the 1200? I've gotten used to auto-shut off for years. How about the dust cover. Do you remove it? I want to have a wall shelf built before it gets here so I can start playing more quickly! I'm going to do more research on cartridges. Way too many choices! I've posted ?? on other forums, but, since the 1200 is treated like a red-headed stepchild, I've NOT gotten any kind of useful info. You folks have helped alot. Many thanks. Brad
I asked the people that make the lifter about my modded 1200 w/the fluid damper assembly and they never replied my email.

The Ortofon X5 I got for $110 from member 2Juki in Hong Kong. Sesarch the classifieds. It is unbeatable for the money. Break in is nasty--be warned.

The 1200 *needs* to be properly isolated. Wall mounting sounds very good.

People who bash the 1200 only reveal their prejudices and lack of knowledge about what makes a good turntable. First of all, although the 1200 is direct drive, there is NO physical contact of a motor with the platter--end of vibration transmition by the motor argument. The 1200 has a magnetically driven motor. These same people would buy a feeble glass and particle board turntable in a heartbeat because it is an European "audiophile" product--yeah, right.

I am glad you're joining the 1200 club. It is a very neutral sounding deck, extremely reliable and FUN to use...