Power Cord Challenge

I've got a couple of weeks off before starting a new job. As I clearly fall into the camp of those who suspect no purely audible differences exist (except in pathologic cases of too-small cords or RFI interference), here's a challenge:

If you live in the San Jose, CA area, let's get together and put this to the test. Your system, your choice of music, I supply a stock power cord to test against your exotic. We play both cords blind (identified as A and B) for a reasonable amout of time; I then play one of the two (randomly chosen through a coin flip) for a reasonable amount of time and you identify it as either A or B. We'll do 10 trials for some statistical significance.

Given that some claim drastic and easily heard differences ("blacker background", "music is more alive", etc., etc., etc.), it should be trivial to get right and shouldn't take more than 5-10 minutes per trial. The kicker: you get 9 or 10 right and I'll give you $500! The downside: 8 or less correct and you donate $250 to the Red Cross. Hey, I'm even giving you 2 for 1 odds!

Regardless of the outcome, we post the results to this site. Any takers?

Sounds kind of freaky. Need more info-but let's play. By the sound of it, you want to get together, in my house and I am to be blindfolded. Are you a woman? That could make a difference. If you are a dude, I'll pass. HOWEVER, should there be any takers (someone really into freaky) I will throw in on the Red Cross side. At least some cash in any case, and more if I can talk to the superfreak, and trust he (or she) has attached, anything approaching a decent ear.
Hi Jhunter, I can't make it to San Jose but if you are willing to drive south to Ventura county I will pay your gas, put you up for the night and dinner will be on me.
Because of my PCs and set up 10 times may not be practical. I am sure we can come up with something agreeable for the two of us. I like your post and I believe you are sincere. I will not take your money when I win but I will pay you $250 if you cannot hear the difference in PCs. If this is possible for you, please let me know and I will take whatever day off that is convenient for you. Even if this challenge proves nothing, we will have a good day of music and the chance to talk some audio. I have a lot of respect for people like you.
I could probably make it to Brulee's for a day trip (I am an hour South). If not I can lend a BMI Whale for the audition if it is held at Bruce's. If you get takers in your area though you could call it "The Grapes of Wrath Shootout".
Damnit, JHunter, if you're not my kinda man then you're my kinda woman! i can't wait to read the outcome! Good job!
Wow! This is a great thread!

I recently bought a new power cord for my CDP, and thought that I heard more ambient detail, esp with stringed instruments. I even made my better half listen on a blind A/B comparison with the stock power cord; she said the aftermarket cord sounded better! BTW, she thinks I'm crazy thanks to this new hobby I've found :)

I eagerly await the results. I hope more people will join you, as statisticians will point out errors due to small sample size, blah, blah, blah.