By your analogy when the record player was invented they were getting bad sound so someone created ............ I am aware that you know all there is to know about USB and sound and everything audio. I am just a dumb follower of USB. Being delusional and just excepting that this is the best there is because I know no better. Thank you I now see the way and will follow your advice and trash my system and do exactly what you say obi one kenobi. Whew thank the audio gods that I woke up from that nightmare. My system still in tack and sounding great!
By your analogy when the record player was invented they were getting bad sound so someone created ............ I am aware that you know all there is to know about USB and sound and everything audio. I am just a dumb follower of USB. Being delusional and just excepting that this is the best there is because I know no better. Thank you I now see the way and will follow your advice and trash my system and do exactly what you say obi one kenobi. Whew thank the audio gods that I woke up from that nightmare. My system still in tack and sounding great!