Turntable Set-up Resources - Help

I am a vinyl newbie that has just ordered his first turntable - a Rega P25 w/ Grado Sonata. I have zero experience and only basic understanding of what I'm getting in to (but, I have been bitten hard by the vinyl bug and am looking forward to learning as I go). Two questions:

1) A good friend of mine has a copy of the TELARC Omnidisc that I plan to use when setting up my system - does anyone know where to look to find one to purchase?
2) What other instructional set-up resources are out there and how do I find them?

The Rega comes with a paper protractor and is about the easiest turntable to setup out there.I might call Lauerman at Rega and see if you need a VTA spacer ring but my guess is you won't.Be advised that the unshielded Grado's have about a 25% chance of humming on a Rega (that's according to Steve).If so look around for a thin sheet of Mu-Metal (again wich I couldhelp with a source here)to go under mat.My guess is you would only have to make a circle half as large as the platter becuse if you have hum it won't be until center of record.With a little luck it won't be a problem.If you want go to ebay and get one of the many $20 allignment protractor with mirrored surface.Hey you want to go nuts get one of the Fremmer reviewed Walltractor but I don't think spending $85 unless you are going to be swapping carts once every two weeks is worth it.Get a VPI 16.5 cleaning machine and look at the thread on LAST products.You'll end up searing by both TRUST ME!!!!Don't get spooked by what I said about Grado.I have a .5 mv Sonata and it's on a $5200 rig.And now I am going to sell table and keep Grado!!!!!!!Have fune it's a brave new world!!!!!!!!!
George Merrill's booklet from Underground Sound "How To Set Up A Turntable" is a great resource. I'm still hunting for the URL; lost it somehow (anyone?). A very handy test LP is the HFNRR Test Record (Hi Fi News & Record Review) avail. from Audio Advisor.
Try the link below for the order page to Merrill's booklet


To contact George Merrill:



The audioasylum.com FAQ helped a lot with my setup. And Chazzbo gave good advice: a mirrored protractor is quite a bit better than a paper one. I would add that if you do not have one, you should get a pretty decent level. I'm not postive, but i think the omnidisc is out of print.