LAST Record Preservative: Thumbs up or thumbs down

Last #2 Record Preservative was recommended to me by an audiophile friend who uses it for his lp's. He claims it's the best treatment he's ever used. However, when I was in an analog store that sells it, the owner told me not to buy it because he found that it reduced the detail in his lp's (it's not too often someone won't sell you a product that they sell).

So my analog compatriots, if you have used Last #2 Record Preservative, did you like it or not, and why?
Rosstaman, if you check the archives using "Search" you'll find lots of prior discussion. The most recent discussion can be found at:
It appears that (after much research) everyone likes and recommends LAST Record Preservative. The analog shop I visited took 3 hours to drive to from my home. When I arrived, all three people in the store were smoking large cigars. I couldn't even hang around and browse through their albums for more than 15 minutes before the cigar smoke began to make my eyes burn. Knowing what tobacco smoke can do to electronics and that it also embeds into the grooves of lps, it now doesn't surprise me that they didn't recommend using LAST Record Preservative (even though they sold it) because they felt it took away from the detail of the music. Perhaps they perfer the sound of lp's treated with cigar smoke?!