Opinions of MIT MH 750 speaker cable

How do people like the MIT MH 750 Shotgun cables.
Sorry I don't know how this thread got off topic. Just noticed that Twilo never even asked about AP cables.
I've had a couple versions of Monster Cable & then Audioquest Crystal, before trying out MIT. Now after several very satisfied years with MH750+ I recently upgraded to MH750 Magnum BiWire and am very pleased. System is more detailed, effortless & very natural, esp. vocals.
I compared a pair of MH 750 HE with Hovland Nine-Line in my system (analogue only, ARC SP14, custom-made EL^34 tube amps
and Townshend GlastonburyII's. Hovland dominated in almost every respect, but later on -not in a comparison session- I heard the 770 Twin tubes and now I am not sure I want to spend any money on a speaker cable which is not MIT . There is a lot of compatibility business with the MIT which is a nuiscence but maybe it is the plain truth.
Installed 750 plus cables.  Hallucinated better depth, detail, and imaging.  Calling the mental hospital to commit myself for delusional thoughts.