Eldon & RCprince:
Excellent points!! They led me to contacting Tara (I should have done this in the first place).
To clarify, my intent, I was actually simply trying to determine whether or not I would ever need more than 4.5 feet of cable length. This would be the max length I would get after cutting my cables. I didn't want to regret cutting these great cables in a different room application. I think the earlier posts answered this pretty well. It seem that no one with dedicated mono cables felt that any more than 4 feet would be necessary.
On your subject though, and one I had not really considered too carefully, it makes sense that different cables might had varying "optimal" lengths. Based upon this, I contacted Tara and sure enough, they recommended not reducing the length any shorter than 4 feet. Below this length, they felt there was a reduction in performance. They stated that "The Ones" highs would be slightly rolled off and that some "airiness" and extension would be compromised. Just over four feet, they felt ther might still be some losses, however, the traditional benefits of the shorter mono configuration should more than make up for the losses.
The reason for compromised performance (as applicable to Tara's cables) is that they utilize 5-6 inch pigtails at the end of their fully shielded cable. These pigtails are considerably more flexible for manipulation and hookup than the very stiff main cable. They are not RFI sheilded to the extent of the main cable, however. The ratio of the shielded portion to pigtail lengths must be maintained at a minimum point (> 4 feet total length) to realize "The One's" optimal benefits.
Just goes to show you how complex and case by case specific this audio stuff can get. Given the above, I don't even know if I'll cut hese things yet.
Thanks again for the new threads of thought.