Who knows about ACOUSTIC ZEN?

i'm looking for a speakercable between Mark levinson 23.5
and sonus faber extrema.
i'm thinking on the CARDAS golden reference,but some dealer
told me that the Acoustic zen will be a beter match.
can you tell me more about the AZ? (i don't know nothing on
I have both the Acoustic Zen Matrix Reference and Silver Reference interconnects. They are both good cables. What they both share is a great deal of detail, immediacy and presence. When introduced into the system they do reveal a great deal of low level detail. They seem to do this without introducing excessive brightness into the system. The Matrix, in particular is quite dynamic. The bass is solid. They throw a superwide soundstage and imaging is very, very good. So what could be wrong? I find this high frequency detail to be overemphasized. In other words, I don't believe that it is in the recording, at least not to the degree that these cables demonstrate it. Even though I wouldn't call this detail "brightness", I believe that it is a coloration of some sort. The bass while solid, and perhaps overly solid, displays roll-off below the midbass. Likewise the extreme highs are also a little rolled off. The Silver Reference, is more difficult to characterize, Designed to be used between source and pre, it doesn't appear to display as many colorations. I have not as yet detected any rolled off bass or treble or overemphasis of the midbass or hiper-detailed treble. I am still testing it. I have been testing the Silver Ref with JPS Superconductor between pre and power. This seems to be a pretty good combo which I find quite natural-sounding, but the problem is that so far, I don't hear enough to cause me to stop using the Kimber PBJ from CD to Pre rather than the Silver Reference.

One thing that both the Matrix or the Silver and Matrix together seem to excel at far more than any cable combination I have tested: They appear to give you the listening sensation that there is nothing between you and the music in the sense of no "fog", no "veils" etc. Of course, there is always something between you and the music and despite the palpability, snap and presence of these cables, after a significant listening session, you will hear the flaws as well.
Oh yeah. In my system as well as my friend's we each separately found that the cables introduced a quality which he called excessive "sugar coating" and I called an "overly sweet quality which sounded better than real". I still think the original JPS Superconductor is the interconnect buy of the century if you value a neutral cable. I have tried many cables, including cables up to and over $2000/meter and haven't found anything which beats it overall. If it produced a broader soundstage, it would just be about perfect.
AZ is easy to like. I can't imagine going too far wrong with it, but it's not a cureall to a flawed system.

I am running a biwired set of Satori shotguns between a Bryston integrated and Soliloquy 5.0's. The Satori replaced a singled run of Tara MasterGenII and some crappy jumpers. The Satori is a small improvement, mostly because the jumpers are gone. As most people say, it's an open, neutral wire.

I also like Tara Labs cables a lot, so besting the MGII was not easy. FWIW, I have not been impressed by Analysis Plus or Cardas (although I haven't heard higher end Cardas), and I consistently find Kimber too zippy up top.
Rayhall is right on with the description that it gives you the sensation that there is nothing between you and the music. It also give me the illusion that you get more of a you are there feeling like you are in the same room as the performance, it seems to charge the air around you with energy. I have tried a lot of diffrent cables some very expensive, all the big names, and was always getting to much of a good thing in some areas and lacking in others. With the Zen wires I feel it just gets it right. I have done a lot of comparing of diffrent interconnects in particular, and the Silver Ref interconnect simply passes more information through than any other cable I have tried. The powercords are incredible, easily bettering my King Cobras. The digital is also fantastic. I now own all Acoustic Zen and haven't bought a cable in months.