New Analog system. where to start?

I have never had that much interest in a tube/analog system but it seem as though after reading all the raves about the sound I want to take the plunge. I am going to use a CJ MV-60 for my power and I haven't decided on a turntable or pre yet. I am a complete novice in this area so any help from you tube or vinyl guru's would be GREATLY appreciated. I have a pair of Maggie 3.6's that I would like to use as my speakers but I am open to suggestions for other, more suitable speakers. I'd like to keep the turntable set-up around $1000 for now and the pre amp priced accordingly with the rest of the gear mentioned. Thanks guys.
Everyone is going to have a different opinion, so here's another. I can't argue with the Rega arm suggestion since I am using an RB 900. I find the lack of VTA adjustment irritating. I do think you can do much better for a turntable though. I would suggest trying to find a used Sota Sapphire or Star. I've seen the Star selling for as little as $700 and Sapphires for much less. I've used both and currently run the Star. It smokes any VPI I have ever heard, and I've spent lots (too many) hours listening to the VPI HW 19. Based on what I've heard I would only change my Star for a better Sota table. I've spent lots of time on the phone with the people from Sota when I wanted to trade up from the Sapphire and they've been great to deal with.
For what it's worth vinyl is worth the effort and Sota made it even better for me.
Rega 25 with Micro Benz will take you far enough into analogue to decide whether further investment is warranted. Used should run about $1000.
Higher end Regas such as Rega 9 and Rega 25 can easily "factored out" and changed for better table with cheaper RB300 arm giving much better result.
The above suggestion for HW19 is reasonable. I will add Basis 1400 with Basis RB300 arm. That combo easily "smokes" Rega 9/RB900. The possible carts can be used to complete success: Dynavector 20XL...H, Benz Micro Glider L2...M2...H2.
"...easily smokes" since it has no limit on flexibility to change things arround including tonearms. My theorem states than there is no better Rega deck than Basis.
If you want belt drive, Nrchy hits on the target w/ the SOTAs, both sonically and customer service. If you want DD, get a 1200 and do the mods.

Don't fall for glass and partice board...