Need silver power cord help

I am seeking help from anyone who can offer it to me.

Over the summer, I would like to construct a power cord. Actually, four of them. It would be based on the results I and others have come up with over the past year. My cord will be an all out assault on the state of the art. It will probably be 8 gauge. It will DEFINITELY be all silver. I may try an air dielectric approach. Not yet sure.

My problem is finding connectors which are all silver. Isn't that the way to do it? I mean, there are some awesome cables out there. But, virtually all of them seem to me to be limited by their connectors. Even the WattAGate is not up to snuff. I have found one company(Stage3Concepts) who is making power cords which are silver from stem to stern. Both the male plug and IEC connectors are solid silver. I remember previously that they would sell parts on their website. These days, that feature has disappeared. I ran into the owner at the NY Hifi Show, and inquired about the parts. He refused to sell them to me. Stating liability issues. He did say that he makes the connectors himself. The connections to the wire are made via both crimping and silver soldering.

I come before you all in search of ideas. Ideally, I would like to buy something off the shelf. Does anyone have any sources, or ideas? I approached AlphaCore Goertz, as they are now making both speaker and interconnect connectors of silver. Power cord parts are not in the works. Likewise, WBT has no interest. Seems as these two companies, as forward thinking as they try to be, have sort of missed the boat in the AC arena. I was thinking that AudioNote may potentially make these(but don't expect it), but have yet to check. Does anyone know of a source?

As a last resort(and I don't know if I would resort to this), I could approach a jeweler who specializes in findings/mountings/castings. Silver is very cheap, and the cost would probably be less than what we would expect. I believe the male end would be quite straightforward. The IEC end would be a different story, I am afraid. Again, just looking for answers. Thanks to all in advance.
If you use silver cables and silver plugs (which are no problem, BTW - very expensive and easy to bend) - then you need silver counterparts to these silver plugs, silver wires in the walls all the way to the "break box", etc. and the project becomes too expensive to justify :-)

Will such wiring sound good? Yes, most likely it will make a system sound better than the conventional wiring. Is the improvement worth the cost? It's possible, but not very probable :-)
Thanks for both of your responses. Bob, I have considered buying a Stage3Concepts cord for parts, but that would remove the price advantage of making my own. Although, having the silver connectors(if they do offer a major improvement) might offset the higher price. Nemo, everything you say is correct. But, it does seem that we are able to ferret out nice gains with power cords, despite what is in our walls. It seems every little bit helps, but I can not doubt your assertion that there is no substitute for having good cable all the way back to the box. And no, I canot afford to run silver all the way back there.
Trelja, Maybe you should talk to a jeweler.
I am sure they could make anything you like
out of silver. Except.. maybe the IEC end.
Being a Dental Lab Tech.I can tell you that making the IEC can be done.I make gold crowns out of wax, invest them,burn them out and cast them with gold, silver is no diff. Melting points are diff. but the same premiss.
Trelja Iam game to try it, all investigate some today and get back to you later.
Hi Trelja: I just pulled out my bag (knapsack) of extra PC's (got busted by the wife as I was in the middle of examining them:-) and found that both the IEC and the AC plug on the Stealth PC are modular in that they open completely up and expose the metal components which look to be replaceable. All of the contact areas look like they can be made out of flat stock though cutting it would stress the metal (silver) and perhaps molding and then polishing would be a better way to go. It might also be possible to cut larger and then grind to shape, though again I do not know how this would effect the metal structure. Don't know about connections either as silver screws would be hard to come by. As far as the IEC goes perhaps just a felt (is it conductive?) pad on one side of each of the silver blades (between the IEC housing and the blade) would supply enough "spring" for a tight fit and would allow the use of single (instead of a spring) blades. I have melted soft metal (a bullet proof padlock) with a cheap prophane torch, so that part is pretty easy.