Upgrade for Day Sequerra FM Reference Tuner

I have a Day Sequerra FM Reference Tuner about 1992 vintage that works perfectly. I understand there are upgrade mods that are available.
Does anyone know who does these or if they are still available and whom to contact?
Ag insider logo xs@2xbabydoc
I do not know about the upgrade you mention but I had my Rotel tuner upgraded by Don Scott and got a major improvement in extension, detail and a large amount of 'grunge' removed from the sound. Well worth the investment of $200.

Don is a very straightforward and nice man that I recommend.
The quickest way to get an accurate answer to your question is to contact Richard Sequerra. His Web site contains information about how to contact him. Here is the link (see the bottom of the page for contact info):
I don't think Dick Sequerra wants much to do with the D-S models. The upgrades, as I recall them from the review, seemed largely cosmetic (better back-lighting, brighter scope display, etc.), although it certainly doesn't hurt to have your tuner brought back up to spec, and Don Scott probably could easily do that. The folks who handle the D-S were moving about a year ago, they said they'd call me when they were set up (I too own a similar vintage D-S) but I haven't heard from them so I'm not sure what's going on. When I get back to the office tomorrow I'll check my old e-mails for the woman I called and let you know (as well as give her a call).
Update: I spoke with Linda Reed (856-261-8961), who tells me that Day Sequerra is about to finish a move back to NJ and expects to be making the upgrades available again in the next few weeks. I'll be getting an e-mail from her soon with details on where to return my unit and what's involved in the upgrade, I'll report more when I get that.