Drubin: My first listening showed them to be quite nice. I don't have a good base line to report from though, because they replaced some Homegrown Silver balanced between a Meridian 508-24 CD and a Levinson 380S preamp, and a pair of Monster balanced from the Lev. to a Classe 401 amp. The Audio Tekne are single ended design. Although this means I can A/B them with only a 10 second amp shutdown to throw the bal/unbal switch on the amp, there is a definite volume increase in bal. mode. So my comparison is not very scientific. I pulled in a rookie listener to help and she liked the Audio Tekne better but did not know why. I liked them better because at higher volume they made the highs sound less strained and less brassy. B&Wn 802 tweeters can be a little too much with the wrong combo.
Now I figure I need a week to really know more. Happy so far!
Now I figure I need a week to really know more. Happy so far!