Good MM cartridge - any ideas?

What would be a great mm cartridge to use with a VPI Aries turntable? I have already tried MC's. Just looking for something different. I have a Shure but it hums on the wand .
I have the Grado Reference high output MM cartridge (4.5 mV) which I am using with my VPI Hw-19 MK4 and Rega RB-900 tonearm, and I am extremely pleased with it. You can sometimes get this cartridge used, with "low mileage", here on A-gon for around $650 -- at this price, it is not only an excellent performer, but an outstanding value. If you want prefer to buy a new cartridge, the Grado Sonata is also an excellent MM cartridge.
By reputation, the Grados that SD recommended are among the best of the MM designs. Quite of number of folks here on 'Gon seem to also go for a couple of the Dynavector models.

You seemed dis-satified with MCs- Out of curiosity, what MC models have you tried and what were the results?
