Is 500 hours of break in really nec.?

I have been told that the Coincident IC needs 500 hours of break in. That is over 20 days of continual use. This sounds quite extreme. I have had my tuner on since friday evening (it is now Tuesday afternoon) and I can't help but feel guilty!
Bmpnyc, Is that what happens every few months that forces me to change something in my system? Cable "burnout".
Hi Leafs, just trying to inject a bit of levity. The point was that wine does not continue to get better and better. After it reaches its peak, it begins a slow fading process. I do remember another post mentioning cable simply wearing out. I'm sure someone will jump in to say that the materials in a cable can't possibly wear out until the next millennium passes, but I do think that some cables lose something after a few years. This is only a suspicion, and I have no facts to back it up. Perhaps someone can enlighten me a bit here. I recently bought an interconnect that was burned in by the dealer. Well... all I can say is that it sounded like every other non burned in cable I have had, and I am going through my usual break in process. The XLO break in CD that Megasam mentions is excellent. Brian, I have no experience with the Coincident, but some of my cables sounded fine at around 85 hours, some took 200 hours. I tend to try to run in a cable for about 16- 18 hours a day. I worry too much about running it non stop. This doesn't seem to inhibit the break in process.
Let me add, the only reason I felt guilty was for leaving my tuner on 24 hrs a day.

On a side note, I am just in awe and greatly enjoying my tuner since the change. My first mistake was hooking up my tuner, Fanfare FT-1A, into the Lo input with RCA cables, I should of used Hi. I had read somewhere that best performance would come from Lo. I do not know what these circumstances would be. After hooking up the Coincident, which is balanced, and hearing a huge difference, I moved the RCA's to Hi to compare and I found it much more enjoyable in Hi rather than Lo.

My tuner does "appear" to be sounding better everyday. I am not sure if it just the pure joy I am getting out of it in comparison to what it was or the cable is getting better. One of these days I will hook it into my CD player (Meridian 508.24) and compare it to the JPS. When I first received the Coincident I hooked it into the CD player to compare, I felt I slightly prefered the JPS, but the "test" was not vey long.