opinions on Coincident vs. HT Pro9

Is anyone familiar with both of these? I was really almost sold on the HT due to the whole single crystal thing etc, but now I also keep hearing good things about the CST from people I respect. My system is CaryCD303, Cary sli80, Shearwaters. Also, does anybody know where I can try before I buy with both brands? thanks, J
OK, Now I'm spooked! (hold flashlight under chin for this) Maybe the powercord pimps and hellskeltermusic conspired to have chstob murdered for all his meddling, the poor bastard.
Jeeze, I just asked an innocent question... All of a sudden my thread is deep in the midst of a vast conspiracy. Who'd a thunk it. BTW, I think I'll stick with my Coincident power cords. I like 'em, and why rock the boat... I had no idea Audiogon had a dark side! Echelon is watching... J
For those who may be interested,my reference system ,which is used primarily for musically enjoyment and speaker and component evaluation consists of :

La Platine Verdier Turntable with a JMW - 12 tonearm and a Shelter 901 cartridge.
The preamp is a Audion Premier Quattro, a very limited ,hand made unit by David Chessel ,the designer of Audion.It is true dual mono ,meaning there are 4 chassis.
The amplifiers range from Manley Neo 300Bs full range to a biamp set up using heavily modified Golden Tube Audio 300B monos with a totally rebuilt pair of Altec 1570Bs powering the woofers of the Total Eclipses.

Different amplifiers of interest consistently find their way into the system.

My main listening room was specifically constructed as an audio reference tool.The walls and floor are poured concrete.Dimensions are 40' x 26' with all corners being rounded to avoid any standing waves.The room is virtually perfectly flat in frequency response from 20hz -20khz.Electricity consists of 5 dedicated,20 amp circuits, wired with OFC 10AWG wire.

In order to accurately assess the performance of my speakers and accompanying components,it is critically important that my reference room be as neutral as possible.
Oops.Forgot about the digital front end.It is a Melos CDT II transport with matching CDD II tube DAC.I extensively modified the latter with audiophile grade caps and replaced the standard wire with Coincident CST IC.
iblume, did you get salvatore to do your golden tubes?

can you comment on the shelter 901 for those of us intrigued by it?

i've been looking around for and audio quattro or dual for a while now with absolutely NO luck at all. do you have any ideas?

thanks in advance!