opinions on Coincident vs. HT Pro9

Is anyone familiar with both of these? I was really almost sold on the HT due to the whole single crystal thing etc, but now I also keep hearing good things about the CST from people I respect. My system is CaryCD303, Cary sli80, Shearwaters. Also, does anybody know where I can try before I buy with both brands? thanks, J
I wish you lived near me, in MI , I would love to have you comapare my JPS SC2 speaker cable with the Total Reference Series Speaker Cable.
Khan, I can't offer too much help. My experience is quite limited, due to location, I'm stranded on a tiny rock out in the South Atlantic with no audio salons nearby, I'm lucky to find decent beer, let alone cables. I was replacing an inferior cable, the old silver sonic T-14. But I also have on loan a set of Monster Sigma's, (~$2,000), and I like the Coincidents better, the Sigma's were too bright for me. I can only say that the power cords and the speaker wire seem to be a great value. They'll be staying in my system for a looooooong time, probably until I find a used set of the Total Reference for a good price here on Agon. You can't go wrong. I have yet to hear one person complain about the CST stuff. My interconnects are HT Pro silway II, which sound fine to me.
brulee that is an amazing and generous offer you made! unfortuntately 8 feet wouldn't be enough for me. i could move my gear but i think i'm going to upgrade my powercords and interconnects first anyway. but again, thank you for the offer. this is what i love about audiogon. where are you in so. cal?
and thanks, jay for summing up.
brianmgrcom,I have had the JPS SC2 in my system along with Audioquest Midnight,Alpha-Core MI2,DH Labs T-14. The Coincident speaker cable has been the best I have tried so far.My wife has very good ears and when it comes time to make the final decision i get her to listen to see if she confirms what I hear.In all cases she liked the Coincident best . Nothing has bettered it.
Leafs, does the Coincident Total Reference Series come in bi-wire? JPS SC2 does not, you have to use jumpers, Joe makes SC2 jumpers also.

Do you remember the difference between the JPS SC2 and Coincident TR?