Need a quality Y-adapter for bi-amping

Where I can I find a quality Y-adpater to use for bi-amping? My pre-amp only has one set of outputs. Looking for something alot better than some inexpensive Monster cable thing.

Is it better to get a Y-adpater that I would fit my existing interconncet into, or is it better to just have new interconnects made that start with one connection and split immediately into 2 interconnects? Like a one meter long y interconnect (rather than an adapter). I hope I'm being clear.
Any help or suggestions would be appreciated.


we have found that the best "Y" is not a cable but a solid "Y" adaptor --like the phoenix gold pro -418-- as seen on our showcase at audiogon... this allows for very little loss if any ...and maximum signal transfer

Any Y-adapter will always add extra reactance from itself + extra reactive loads from each amplifier into one output of your preamp. The result will be extraneous harmonic distortions Algthough you will win in dynamics if you feel you havn't enough.
The best Y-adapter for me is no Y-adapter at all. There are preamps designed to work with two amplifiers for example using tape monitoring function along with tape output. For this you only need to plug in your source into the tape input and you'll automatically get output signal from two pairs of output sockets - main and tape...
quick note to Marakanetz's post about using the "main" and "tape" outputs. DO NOT do this unless your preamp specifically mentions this ability, because the "tape out" on most preamps is NOT volume controlled. The tape out of most preamps will drive most amplifiers to FULL volume. I have not heard of many preamps that offer volume control at the tape output, but maybe there are some out there.
The least # of connections & cables the signal routes through the better (but you knew that). It would be better if you had a preamp with dual output jacks, or a power amp with a pass-thru line-out connector. Maybe you could add some extra jacks to one or the other device, or replace one of them with a unit containing that feature. Otherwise a new interconnect (built into a shotgun configuration as mentioned) would be better than the soild Y, and similarly a solid Y would be better than an add-on separate Y-cable , whcih presents the largest # of extra connectors & cables to degrade your signal path.
Contact BOB at the Cable Co. He can custom make you one out of your favorite cable.