Turntable Stand

I need some recommendations, or at least a starting point, to research turtable stands. Thanks all, and Happy Tunes!
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I am using a Sound Organisation Z545 rack to support a 50lb. Sota Saphire turntable. Very solid rack with spiked feet, glass shelf on rubber feet over a steel frame. No vibration or wobble. Very effective. Retail cost is $290.00 through Audio Advisor.
Hi Fatparrot. I am having a TT stand build especially for me to hold my VPI Aries TT. It is being custom constructed by a person very much into room acoustics and stablization systems.....and the best part is he is resonable. E-mail me (rdaversa@fragomen.com) and I can hook you up with him. Can't promise too much since he is just starting out and works on a tight budget and works in NJ.

Good luck!
Depending on the weight of your setup, an excellent isolation stand is the Machina Dynamic Nimbus. Check out www.machinadynamica.com or give Jeff Kait, the maker, a call, he's a good guy. They are kinda Flintstones looking, but work extremely well for tt's and/or digital.
If price is no object then this gets easy. The Ric-Rax stands are both effective and, IMHO, drop dead gorgous. Unfortunatly, the price may cause you to drop dead. Around $3000 depending on options.