need help with choosing right cables

my system sounds sure cables are the using monster 950i innerconnesct and monster biwire speakercables.looking for more of liquid sound with out breaking the bank. my set up: b&k725amp denon333avr msb linkdac3 feeding pioneer333 as transport with monitor audio silver5s speakers.thanks to those who respond.trip
leafs,iam new to this. when you say source. meaning what? any advice to what amp i need. or new set up. thanks much.
Hi. *Source* is were the musical signal originates in your system, i.e. in this case, your cd playback. Leafs is suggesting you keep the cables for now and consider upgrading the digital combo first, then the amplification.
I second this view.

Numerous cdp's are available that might fit your musical bill; Recent discussions on CDP & amps hare at A'gon (use the search function) could enlighten you.
Do, however, try to audition equipment IN YR SYSTEM before you buy: tastes in musical reproduction vary. For you, your taste counts the most!

Cheers and good luck!
I agree with gregm and leafs...the entire source chain doesn't lend itself to much warmth. Cables might help a tiny bit, but none of the components you listed have warm characteristic to them, so its hard to imagine they'll do the trick. If I had to pick one thing to try, my vote would be to find a warmer DAC/CD and see if you can get the sound you want at the source. If the sound isn't right there, then there's not much that can be done down the line to make it a lot better.

Before buying any new equipment you should take a careful look at your speaker setup. From the listening position, the speakers should not be pointed directly at you. Adjust the speaker toe-in so that you can see the inside speaker panel. The listening position height should be slightly below the axis of the tweeter. One last thing, MA makes good product, but their QC is sometimes suspect and they've been known to incorrectly wire their speakers. Reverse the polarity of the midrange/tweeter and give it a listen.
trip how much do you have to spend and how much can you get for your cdplayer dac combo.What types of music do you listen to.