need help with choosing right cables

my system sounds sure cables are the using monster 950i innerconnesct and monster biwire speakercables.looking for more of liquid sound with out breaking the bank. my set up: b&k725amp denon333avr msb linkdac3 feeding pioneer333 as transport with monitor audio silver5s speakers.thanks to those who respond.trip
trip how much do you have to spend and how much can you get for your cdplayer dac combo.What types of music do you listen to.
leafs, i have $500 and my cd player&dac combo i should get about $550-600 hopefully. i listen to wide range of music. clapton.stevie ray,beatles.buddy&julie miller,emmylou harris w/spyboy etc.
Trip. Just a thought. The discs you mentioned, that I know, are not great recordings to begin with. I suspect you may be looking for too much out of them. I don't think any cd player, within your budget, is going to make enough difference to make you happy. Therefore, I have to disagree with the other posts. I think the MSB is right in line with your other components. You might consider upgrading it to the Full Nelson, with power supply upgrade. You could also try some smooth cables, like Harmonic Technology Truthlinks. Look at their speaker cables, also.
Blbloom,sorry but your a little of base.Dont waste your money on a full Nelson.Msb is ok but there is much better.With 1k to spend you can buy a better source.Musical Fidelity A3CD,Myryad MC100, are a couple of good choices.
You can get more out of the music you want with one of these Cd players.Try one out if you can.Thats the key make sure you listen to the source in your own system.