Anyone tried Voodoo or TG Audio PCs?

Everyone here seems to rave on the BMI Whale Elite powercords. But at $400+/cord, it is a bit hard to swallow for me to buy 5 cords. I've noticed two other PCs for around $200 -$250. One is the Voodoo Mana, and the other is the TG Audio HSR-i. Has anyone tried these cords? Is the Whale Elite that much better that it is worth $400?

My system consists of:
digital source: Mark Levinson #37 (transport) + Genesis Digital Lens + Sonic Frontier SFD2 MkII (D/A)
analog source: Michell Orbe SE + SME V + Benz cartridge
phone stage: ARC PH3 SE (detachable PC)
preamp: ARC LS-2B MkII (no detachable PC)
amp: Mark Levinson #333 (no detachable PC)
The digital fronts and the preamp are running through a PS Audio P300 with 2 Synergistic Master Coupler and 1 Marigo PCs. The P300 is plugged into the wall through a MIT Z-Cord I. I've just started setting up my analog rig, so I've been looking for a powercord for my phono stage, one to replace the Z-cord, and if I noticed that much of a difference, replace those on the digital front.

Any suggestion on how to proceed from here would be gratly appreciated too. Maybe a comgination of various PCs?
I've stated in a few threads lately on this site that TG PC's are the best I've had in my system. I sold my Synergistic Des. Ref Sq., FIM Gold and Cobra PC's and outfitted my system with TG Cables, all for about the price of 1 of the aforementioned cords. Figuy and Sean have described the sound aptly, so I'll refrain. I've not heard Voodoo, but like Seans last statement.
I sell the DIY version of Bob's cords. We call them the Asylum Cords since that is where Bob released his design for us cable tweakers to play with. I build/sell them to raise money for our adoption fund.

They are not meant to compete with Bob's HSR line of cables. As Sean stated they are a good bang/$ but they are not the HSR. I also sell them as kits for people interested in building their own.
Well, no reply from Voodoo for the PC challange. I guess they are afraid to stand behind their products. I have decided to get the PS Audio lab cable for my P300, and a Whale Elite and a HG Audio HSR-i to try.
Sorry, but we never received a "PC challenge" from you. If you are genuinely interested, please contact me at I also understand that there will soon be a power cords "shootout" review featuring the VooDoo Mana Power Cord among others at
Voodoo, thanks for responding to the thread, and thanks for responding to my email inquiry.